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Bex 07-29-2010 08:41 PM gets a face lift ... Redesigned! is proud to announce that has received a complete overhaul featuring a completely new tour and members sections, as well as additional galleries, and promo tools too. Following in the footsteps of we made MVP HUGE!

It gives the surfer access to over thousands of DVD's, web only videos and porn stars on a tour that is literally thousands of pages deep. Each video has a 30 second preview trailer to entice the user to buy and each picture set has 5 - 10 preview pics available as well.

Webmasters can link to any of the 10,000 pages on the tour using our Link Generator Tool. This tool is great for webmasters who run specific niche blogs or porn star sites.

We also have added flash hosted galleries, high resolution picture galleries and embedded tube videos, with more on the way. You can also choose to promote using some of our brand new JPG or GIF banners. They're all different shapes and sizes so there is no doubt you'll find one to fit your needs.

We hope that everyone is having an amazing summer. There are lots more exciting things coming in the near future from NicheWealth HQ. Stay tuned.

Thanks for your continued support,
The Team

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